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The BTS Services Informatique aux Organisations is a state-recognized diploma at BAC+2 level.

Since September 2011, it has replaced the former BTS IG (Management IT). Indeed, this new formula meets the expectations of the profession in terms of qualification.

The program has evolved according to the place and role of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and offers two very distinct specialties: The BTS SIO Option SISR and Option SLAM.


The SISR specialization of the BTS SIO allows you to learn a profession that consists of installing, configuring and managing computer equipment and networks. This means intervening in the design, implementation, deployment and maintenance of programs intended for management within an organization, with an eye also on the cybersecurity sideThe SLAM specialization of the BTS SIO is more oriented towards Development. It allows you to learn how to create software, websites, mobile applications, but also to write technical documentation related to these. In addition, it allows you to learn how to train users to manage the maintenance of applications.

  • Thank you Mrs. Grira for teaching me everything in Math
  • Thank you Mrs. Loraisse for teaching me everything in C.G.
  • Thank you Mr. Roth for teaching me everything in SISR
  • Thank you Mr. Gibello for teaching me everything in SLAM
  • Thank you Mr. Zmamla for teaching me everything in English
  • Thank you Mr. de Tiege for trusting me

BTS SIO completed as part of a sandwich course​

Google Maps reference about school​

Google Maps reference about business​

Slide of E6 test​

Other things I learned.​

Stay up to date with technology​

Aside from having an automated system to stay up to date that I read daily (often during downtime), sometimes you stay up to date subconsciously. Here are a few examples:

Usually when I’m looking for a solution to a problem. I’m someone who might innocently Google something work-related, and a few hours later I’ll have 15 tabs open with various things that are only vaguely related to what I originally searched for.

This inevitably leads me to new technology.

Looking at job descriptions sent by recruiters, then Googling anything that doesn’t sound familiar.

To carry out my technological monitoring, I use "feedly", which is a news aggregator, which allows me to always be up to date with all the news I want. For example, I have set up all the tech and cybersecurity news sites. I have added different sources such as: ANSSI, Videocardz, Techpowerup, Arstechnica, Tomshardware, ...

On the other hand, my technological monitoring is also carried out daily through the different supports/media/tools described below.


βœ” tech2tech - MikaΓ«l
βœ” yber ​​Insecurity
βœ” David Bombal
βœ” Morrolinux




βœ” le rdv tech
βœ” what do I email me about


βœ” At school – With teachers
βœ” At school – With the class
βœ” At work – With colleagues
βœ” At home – With friends who work in ITs

REX on studies​

First of all, I want to clarify that I chose the BTS SIO because I was very passionate about everything related to systems and networks. With passion, homework becomes fun and beautiful instead of boring. Especially, all the tasks concerning the SISR.

Of course there will be subjects that will be less interesting for some of us, but don't forget that everything has a coefficient on the final exam. So you have to commit to all the subjects at least a little bit, I recommend studying the subjects according to their coefficient. If SISR has a coefficient of 4, it is obvious that we will spend more time on it.

Don't hesitate to stay up to date! Especially in the IT environment, a lot of news comes out every day.

Look at my slides on the "BTS SIO" page, there is a slide that talks about the day before!

Tip n.1​

Start right away with a good organization, it is very important to classify all school materials rigorously and precisely, so that you always have everything available and easily accessible. Losing a document and not finding it again can waste your time and/or perhaps make you lose a few points. Personally, I have digitized everything, creating a shared folder on Google Drive with my colleagues, so that everyone can add material for each subject.

To keep the photocopies in order, it is also good to have a binder where you can put all the photocopies useful for your exams. Putting photocopies randomly is not a good idea at all. So, it is good to have in your backpack, the Subject Target Binders

Tip n.2​

I strongly advise you to create a group on any messaging platform, in order to communicate and contact your colleagues in case of need, doubts and/or other things. Having a common communication platform is very important to stay in touch and ask and/or provide help when needed.

Personally, with my colleagues, I have used Telegram. It is an excellent application, versatile and with many features inside. It is possible to upload large files, create surveys and much more.

In reality, no one knew about Telegram, in a sense I forced them all to install it 😁

Tip n.3​

Review every weekend or almost what was done the previous week. This kind of attitude (modus operandi) helps a lot to not forget what was done over time. It will be particularly useful to you from the second year, when you revise for the final exams!

It will be useful, especially for English, to practice at least 30 minutes a day every day or almost, to give your English a boost. English will be useful not only for the exam, but generally also in SISR, because in case of problem, Google searches must be done with Google, it is on Google in fact that searches are done and where the best results are found. !

Tip n.4​

As for the SISR, I strongly advise you to buy (if you don't already have one) a powerful enough pc/laptop that has adequate performance to run some VMs on HyperV. In fact, it is very annoying to work with a PC that does not have enough RAM to run the virtual machines. I recommend at least a PC with a minimum of 16 GB of RAM. If you have the possibility to get a professional router or an l3 switch, for experimentation, it is even better!

Tip n.5​

Time management. These are 2 magic words. Organize yourself with a calendar dedicated to school and follow it to the letter, before each exam and especially in the second year, start preparing all the useful documents in advance and review everything already in January. For example, I created my portfolio in the summer between the first and second year.

Tip n.6​

Have a good relationship with teachers. Don't hesitate to ask for tips or ask questions about the lesson. If you don't understand a concept well, ask if it is possible to re-explain the target argument. The teacher will be happy because he will understand that you are interested and attentive to the lesson. Asking additional questions (always staying on the subject of the lesson) can only please the teacher who will see in you commitment and dedication. So, don't hesitate to ask the teacher if you need it!

Tip #7​

I will never tire of repeating it. When there is something you do not understand, at school or at home, use Googlee / ChatGPT . Also use it to collect information parallel to the target topic. (parallel information is almost always useful both at school and at work). There are many useful thematic sites and/or exceptional youtubers explaining the target topic. For example, I found very informative, concerning mathematics, the videos of prof. Said Chermak on YouTube. As for English for example, you can watch the videos directly in English with English subtitles. Yes I know, it may be boring but it is a way to combine school and pleasure.

Tip n.8​

It is important to reach over time a motivational state that is not influenced by external factors that could potentially destabilize our motivation which is the focal point of our commitment (the one that makes us do the tasks in a committed manner, with concentration, and not in a distracted manner) It is indeed about changing our way of thinking. Instead of thinking about the weekend at the end of the week or the holidays, we should get used to focusing on the effort itself. The result that will come after (holidays, grade or other) should not be an element on which to rely, because it could potentially be a source of demotivation.

On a scientific level, this is how (with this type of reflection) the production of dopamine can be associated with the activity you do with the effort you have decided to submit to. This is how motivation is kept constant, thus you will create a kind of virtuous circle where frustration and satisfaction will become two sides of the same coin (which feed each other). Thus the reward will become something more personal like the satisfaction of having learned something that you did not know yesterday or the pleasure of having concluded something important or the desire to tell someone what you have discovered. These are the aspects that must be aimed for to carry out great projects in life as in studies and they are also the characteristics that make the difference between a study that gives average results and one that makes one fully aware of one's knowledge.

Tip n.9​

Contact me if you need any other advice.
Linkedin is (for now) my main means of communication!