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  • BoursoBank --> code: PIMI5133
    Why I am a customer of theirs:
    βœ” Interesting welcome bonus
    βœ” Almost no fees for a card with quite a few advantages
    βœ” Possibility of opening a PEA with a fairly reasonable rate (not the best on the market however)
    βœ” The user interface is good compared to other banks

olivier assurance
  • L'oliver l'assurance --> code: LOA-VHPC69
    Why I am a customer of theirs:
    βœ” Low cost insurance
    βœ” 100% online

lsi card
  • BASIC-FIT --> code: KYOTDUKG
    Why I am a customer of theirs:
    βœ” Relatively low cost compared to the competition
    βœ” Gyms all over France (but also abroad if you choose the most expensive subscription)
    βœ” Health is priceless
    βœ” Mens sana in corpore sano - cit. Socrates

lsi card
  • Revolut
    Why I am a customer of theirs:
    βœ” Additional ATM cash for free
    βœ” Free transfers to my friends / colleagues for everyday small loans / bill spits if they have revolut
    βœ” Free virtual cards and one time cards. I think it's more secure, even G.Pay (nfc).
    βœ” Limited account balance and additional security features like card freeze etc makes it more secure.
    βœ” If the payment is cancelled or charged back, it appears instantly on my account, and I dont have to wait days like with my "other" bank