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The Professional ASSR Bachelor's Degree – System and Network Administration – is a state-recognized diploma at BAC+3 level.

This bachelor's degree it was achieved in a sandwich course format, combining academic study with work-based learning through a cooperative education program.

The objective of the specialization is to train IT specialists in systems and network administration.

The typical "Systems and Network Administration and Security" course aims to train IT specialists who are operational and autonomous, who, alone or as part of a team, will not only be able to write specifications, install, maintain and manage computer networks and systems connected to networks, but will also be able to demonstrate behavioral skills, initiative, and will be able to integrate perfectly into the company

The School - Université de Lorraine

University of LorraineIUT of Metzcfa centre formation apprentis
  • Thank you Mrs. Habbas for trusting me 😀
  • Thank you Mr. de Tiege for trusting me 😀

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Here somes brief infos about the bachelor studies.

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Here somes more detailed infos about the bachelor studies.


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Roughly the time distribution was 50% in the company and 50% at the university. At the beginning there were a few more weeks at the university and at the end a few weeks less.

This is normal because at the beginning there is a phase of homogenization that puts all the students on the same level. At the end the students are more focused on the professional project that will be very time-consuming and very important because it is responsible for 1/3 of the final grade.

For privacy reasons I can't share my professional project here.
But I'm happy to share my rating with you: 19/20 😀
I didn't get a 20, but my name isn't Tony STARK either.

Somes slides done during che LP ASSR

  • Jails/Containers with TrueNAS CORE/SCALE
  • Writing a dissertation