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4 posts tagged with "Linux"

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S3 Storage with Minio

· One min read

It all started with the idea of ​​having a sort of big container where I can store all my backups that come from Proxmo, NAS or whatever. Here I found the solution with Minio. I integrated this part in my article about Truenas. In fact I integrated Minio right on TrueNas. click here! 😉


· 3 min read

Advanced, production process manager for Node.JS

PM2 is a production-grade process manager for Node.js applications. It run applications in the background (as daemons), automatically restarts them if they crash, and manages multiple applications on a single server.

It not only simplifies process management but also provides a comprehensive set of advanced monitoring tools. Here’s a detailed overview based on the experience and screenshots you provided.

The free version is quite limited but I think it could be interesting.

Proxmox Config Backup

· 2 min read

Automating Proxmox Config Backup with Systemd and Synology Active Backup

After reading this insightful thread on the Proxmox forum: Backup Cluster Config (pmxcfs /etc/pve), I was inspired to create an automated backup solution for my Proxmox configuration.

I decided to implement a systemd script that automates the backup of the Proxmox sqlite database that contains the cluster configuration.
Here is the script I came up with:

Backup Server

· One min read

Everything started from my desire to create a backup solution in case the hard drives in my NAS (Synology DS220+) fail or become unusable for any reason.
If you are interested and wish to read more about my TrueNAS project click here! 😉